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Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Smart Classroom Essay -- Education Technology Smart Technolgies Es

The Smart Classroom The classroom is a place that is constantly trying to be improved for the betterment of students’ education. New teaching methods and improvement in environment are all constantly being researched; however, recently, research on technology in the classroom has flourished. The Smart Classroom contains these technological advances and triggers them toward in-hancing student learning. Classrooms in the past never really took into consideration that all students learned differently, so one method of teaching was used. This method being, oral lectures that students were expected to take notes on, followed by long winded exams. It wasn’t until later down the line that educators realized that not all students are capable of learning and understanding lessons in this way, and researched different ways to improve teaching. For example, Howard Gardner came to the conclusion that each person is one of seven intelligences. : If a student enjoys reading or writing stories and doing puzzles, then they have the intelligence of Linguistic. Students who are drawn to more strategy type games and logic kind of games are said to be of the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence. Students who are very active whether it be in a sport or art activity, such as dance, are said to be of the Body-Kinesthic Intelligence. Spatial students learn with pictures, they need to see things to un derstand, they are drawn toward drawing and building with blocks. Musical Intelligences are students who are drawn to music, they have the ability to learn by listening and can many times hear things that others are not able to. Students who thrive at being the leader and being in charge of their peers have the Intelligence of Interpersonal, these types o... ...Retrieved April 10, 2005, from http://www.classrooms.com/ Smart Classrooms Instructional Media Services. (April 3rd, 2003). Retrieved April 10, 2005, from http://www.humboldt.edu/~ims/smart/smartrms.htm Smart Classrooms. (2002). Retrieved April 10, 2005, from http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/its/smart_classrooms.htm Smart Classrooms, Huntingdon College. (2003). Retrieved April 11, 2005, from, http://www.huntingdon.edu/academics/smart_classrooms Domermuth, David. (2005). Creating a Smart Classroom. Tech Directions, 64(6), 21-22. Retrieved April 12, 2005, from Teacher Reference Center/EBSCO database. Carlson, Scott. (2002). Wired to the Hilt. Chronicle of Higher Education, 48, A33-A35. Retrieved April 12, 2005, from ERIC/EBSCO database. Human Intelligence, Howard Gardner. (2004). Retrieved May 3, 2005, from www.indiana.edu/~intell/gardner.shtml

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